Congratulations to the Lawnswood Campus PE Team who have achieved the Silver Schools Games Mark awad for their commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport in 2018/19 across all four PRUs (Braybrook, Midpoint, Orchard and Nightingale). The criteria for silver is as follows:
Increasing Engagement in School Games
· Provide all students with two hours of Physical Education, school sport and physical activity per week (made up of curricular and extra curriculum activity) – applicable to years 3 -11 only.
· Engage at least 35% of pupils (10% for special schools/PRUs) in extracurricular sporting and physical activity every week – applicable to years 3-11 only.
· Over the course of the academic year, have targeted provision for those least active young people in your school and a minimum take up of at least 10% from those identified as least active at the start of the academic year. This take up needs to be sustained over a term – applicable to years 3-11 only.
Developing Competitive Opportunities
· Use the School Games formats to provide the opportunity for both boys and girls to take part in age and stage appropriate level of competition.
· Use the School Games formats to provide the opportunity through inter-school competition for both boys and girls to take part in B team standard competition.
· Promote the School Games inclusive of physical activity to parents and the local community at least once every half term using newletters, website, social media and local press.
Workforce – Broadening the Range Of Opportunities
· Engage a representative group of students within and beyond the curriculum in leading, managing and officiating in School Games activity. (10% for schools/special schools and 4% for FE/PRUs)
· Engage students in the planning and development of School Games activity through student voice.
· Utilise sports coaches to support school sport and physical activity that compliments your School Games Organisers (SGO) School Games provision.
Increasing and Sustaining Participation
· Have active links with at least three local community and pathways sport/physical activity and leisure providers e.g. sport clubs, leisure centres, youth centres etc (one for special schools/N/A for PRUs) where the link is a signposting function (posters/assemblies etc) including one where the relationship is about the provider delivering taster sessions on site or the school/educational including one (N/A Special Schools/ PRUs) where institute is a partner host site for the activity and young people are actively engaged to attend. Simply letting your facility to a club does not constitute a link.
