Careers and Preparing 4 Adulthood
At Midpoint, careers education forms an integral part of our Personal Development programme.
Our careers curriculum is informed and guided by the Black Country Hub partners; CDI Framework Career Development skills and Careers Statutory Guidance.
We believe that good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them; every young person needs high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future.
We follow the Gatsby benchmarks which identifies a set of eight benchmarks that we use as a framework for improving our careers provision.
There are many different routes a young person can take in their next steps into Post 16 provision: apprenticeships, FE colleges, training centres or employment—we are here to support our young people with whatever path they choose to take.
Our team of Transition Coaches are also available to continue to support Year 11s, as they make their journey from The Midpoint Centre to their next setting; maintaining contact throughout the summer term and into their induction period in the Autumn.

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